Object-oriented orthogonally persistent operating system
Public Types | Public Member Functions
triton::Object Class Reference

Base class for all Triton objects. More...

#include <object.h>

Inheritance diagram for triton::Object:

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef u64 hash_t
 Type of object hash value.

Public Member Functions

void AddRef ()
 Add reference to the object.
int Release ()
 Release reference to the object.
virtual const char * __name__ () const
 Method for retrieving name of object class.
virtual hash_t __hash__ () const
 Get objects hash.

Detailed Description

Base class for all Triton objects.

All the library and client code objects should be derived from this class.

Member Typedef Documentation

Type of object hash value.

Member Function Documentation

virtual hash_t triton::Object::__hash__ ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Get objects hash.

The hash is used for optimized organizing of objects in collections. The hash should provide good distribution of values. Two equal objects must return the same hash value.

Hash value of an object.

Reimplemented in triton::triton_internal::Numeric< T >, triton::Tuple< components >, triton::triton_internal::Numeric< enable_if< is_integral< T >(), T > >, and triton::triton_internal::Numeric< enable_if< is_float< T >(), T > >.

virtual const char* triton::Object::__name__ ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Method for retrieving name of object class.

Name of this object class.

Reimplemented in triton::TritonError, triton::NullPtrError, triton::MemoryError, triton::LookupError, triton::IndexError, triton::KeyError, and triton::Tuple< components >.

void triton::Object::AddRef ( ) [inline]

Add reference to the object.

int triton::Object::Release ( ) [inline]

Release reference to the object.

Object reference counter after releasing the reference.

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